Management Mantra

Featured Articles:

  • Change Management

    With almost every human being resisting change on one hand and on the other hand craving for change, is it not the biggest paradox in our life ? Read more.....

  • Soft Skills - Indian Scenario

    Having achieved considerable success in the many new service sectors in the past decade, India has proved that she is competitive in many of the global industries. But sadly, now the sustainability of this growth is being doubted due to serious challenges on the human resources front. Read more...

  • Conflict Management

    Difference of opinion and conflict at the workplace is as common as vegetation near the water source. It is not at all surprising to see situation where people differ because of the varying goals and needs and the conflict becomes not only apparent but resulting in personal animosity. Read more...

  • Understanding Stress

    One of the major reasons of our inability to cope with stress or to reduce it from our lives in first place, is our failure to understand stress. Stress your mind and try defining stress you shall know that what you are talking about are the symptoms or the cause and not what stress actually is. Read more...

  • Family Influence Impacts Work Life

    Family’s emergence as an important motivating factor is because of the growing number of ‘nuclear units’. The interdependence on each others in smaller families is high. Increased awareness and education has a favoured impact on women because compared to men it is they who have been benefited. More men were getting education and outside world exposure in the past and the ratio is fast changing. This is resulting in growing importance of the opinion of the womenfolk in the families. If some men get profoundly uncomfortable with this and are unable to handle it, it is they who have to have a solution. Read more...

  • Family Business Governance

    A family business is, as the name suggests, where more than fifty percent of the share holding is held within the family members or has been passed between generations. Read more...